How could a Muslim do such a thing!
Whenever terrorist incidents happen, such as the one that happened on London Bridge a couple of days back, conversations start happening to understand the true underlying reasons & motivations. When it come to explaining Muslim terrorism, there are various theories and often the people most confounded by such flagrant acts of barbarism are the Muslims themselves because they are completely unable to relate to the act themselves. A non Muslim would have so many unknowns in his mind that he would not be able to reach ay conclusion. But a Muslims, thinks of the injunctions of Quran and sayings of the Prophet (PBUH), & then fails to understand how the perpetrators are linking their act to Islam. Below Hadit is just one example of the many you can find that forbids Muslims to harm Women and Children in a war.
"It is narrated by Ibn 'Umar that a woman was found killed in one of these battles; so the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) forbade the killing of women and children (Book 019, Hadith 4319)"
Infact, Holy Prophet even fobade Muslims to harm trees in war
Do not kill a child, nor a woman, nor an old man, nor obliterate a stream, nor cut a tree.."(Sunan-Al-Bayhaqi)
In the wake of the above, the people who do carry out these attacks, in my opinion, are the cross overs, of Muslims in UK who are suffering from severe mental problems and during such a time are exposed to hate preaching and perversion. If you look at the numbers:
- Muslim Population in UK is 3 million
- % of people in UK suffering from Severe Mental disorders during their lifetime 8.4%
- Average life expectancy 80 years
- % of people expected to suffer from severe mental disorder in any year 0.1%
- Muslims expected to suffer from severe mental disorder in any year 3000
- Of the 3000, there would be a % of Muslims that would be exposed to a perverted, hateful version of Islam (Assume 2%)
- Of the ones exposed there would be a certain % who actually carry out these attacks (Assume 20%)
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