When Temples will become Forts

There are 120,000 registered mosques in PAkistan and another 120,000 unregistered mosques. Also, there are 25,000 registered Madrassahs and perhaps as many unregistered ones. All combined, these would be having almost 100% coverage of the area of Pakistan.

Now, lets imaginate a scenario. Its 2023; 10 years from now. The US after having withdrawan from Afghanistan in 2014 never looked back. Vested interests continue to channel resources into TTP so as to achieve their respective strategic objectives. The Taliban over the course of these years have increased their suicide attacks manifolds, having obliterated the State of Pakistan and having spread terror in each and every Pakistani's heart. Moreover, they have established complete hegemony over KPK running their own government. Also, over these 10 years, TTP increased their contacts with the Imaams of the mosques channeling their funding and influence to these mosques and madressahs all over Pakistan to drive their pseudo Wahabi agenda. In any case, 2/3rd of the madresshas and mosques in Pakistan have historically belonged to the Deobandi school of thought so there always existed strong ideological association between the two. The Taliban give the Pakistan government an open ultimatum that since the democracy in the country is again Islam, they want government to cede control to a group of tribal elders who would implement Shariah in the country. In the meantime, they not only bring all Deobandi mosques and madressahs under their complete garb, they also equip them with weapons and train them so that each Deobandi Madressah and mosque (2/3rd of all mosques and mdressahs in the country) is a weapons depot. Once the deadline passes, they activate all these mosques and madressahs to take over their respective localities and the Pakistan armed forces and LAEs can only sit and witness the absolute conquest of Talibistan, formerly Pakistan.

What are we doing to pre empt this scenario? What if the above is already underway? What if these Deobandi mosques and madresshas are actually eggs waiting to hatch !!


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